Jambo Keniafreunde,
ich habe die Meldung von meinem Agenten in Nairobi erhalten,
dass nun in allen Parks von Kenya die neue Regel gilt,
dass bereits ab 18.00 Uhr (!!) die Parks verlassen werden müssen, also "Gamedrive over".
Das kann ich kaum glauben, denn dann wären die üblichen Afternoon-Gamedrives ab 16.00 doch sehr sehr kurz und kaum mehr lohnenswert.
Die Gründe seien Sicherheitsgründe und um gegen die Poachers entgegenzuwirken, die bei Anbruch der Dunkelheit üblicherweise anfangen ihr Unwesen zu treiben.
Question from me: It is true that in Mara the new Rules are now: Park Outro / Game over at 18.00 o'clock?
Answer from Agent: Yes the new rules have taken effect in parts of Mara- it has always been so just that at times in some
Parts of Maasai Mara they are not enforced.
Question from me: Did this mean, that closing time 6p.m is not in every Part of the Mara?
In which Part is this new Rule?
And can you tell me why in Nairobi NP game over is such very early at 6p.m ?
Answer from Agent: The 18H00- rule in the park is in all Parks in Kenya but within the conservancies- Mara North Conservancy etc one may Be able to extend up to 18H30 but the rule has it 18H00. no more game drives.(No movements in the park beyond 18H00).
Question from me: really in all Parks? WHY ?
Answer from Agent: yes it is in all parks. This is for security reasons and also a way of keeping off poachers as they
Normally get in to the park when darkness starts setting in.
Kann mir jemand diese neue Regel bestätigen?
Vielleicht Elvira? Mein Agent und auch mein Driver kennen dich bzw. Dein Unternehmen.
Vielen Dank!