THEMA: Simbabwe...aktuelle, prekäre Situation
09 Nov 2017 09:49 #496134
  • GinaChris
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  • GinaChris am 09 Nov 2017 09:49
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Pressemitteilung der Menschenrechtsorganisation Simbabwe zur aktuellen prekären Situation im Land
Gruß Gina

Harare – THE Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) is worried by the increasing signs of potential instability of a political nature in Zimbabwe.

This follows the intensification of power struggles in the State and the ruling party Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (Zanu-PF) leading to the sacking former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa from his government position on Monday, November 6, 2017, and from the ruling party on Wednesday, November 8.

Ever since there has been a trading of words of acrimony and threats from both sides.

In a statement attributed to him, the sacked Vice President reportedly said there “incessant threats to my personal life and family” which led him to skip the country into exile and declared that the country and ruling party were not the President and his wife’s “personal property…to do as you please”.

He added: “I stand prepared once again, to pay the ultimate price in defence of Zimbabwe.”

In response, the President addressing a meeting at his party’s headquarters on Wednesday, November 8 reportedly declared, “you should not try to say because the journey is long, then I will take a shortcut and arrive quickly. The road has lions. There are pitfalls. There is death, beware.”

The latest tiff follows months of verbal fights and accusations of attempted elimination of the Vice President through food poisoning.

On Wednesday, November 8 there were reports of scenes of violence between youths belonging to the different factions in the capital Harare.

ZimRights continues to alert the people of Zimbabwe and the international community of the potentially dire effects of the current political developments in the country.

ZimRights urges the international community, especially the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), to make sure that Zimbabwe does not descend into deeper instability and chaos.

The whole scenario has the present danger and evident potential of marring the preparation for harmonised elections due in eight months in 2018.

We also reiterate our position that the lasting solution, as already seen in the past, to the repeatedly uncertain and volatile Zimbabwean question is for the region to assist the country to fully democratise.

We also urge the parties involved to reach an amicable resolution to their increasingly acrimonious fights.

ZimRights Hotlines
0773789874, 0733606797, 0718928611

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09 Nov 2017 10:02 #496140
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  • GinaChris am 09 Nov 2017 09:49
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Die Vereinigung der Kriegsveteranen schließt Mugabe als ihren Anführer aus der Organisation aus,
und gründet einen revolutionären Rat der die Regierungspartei Zanu-PF übernehmen soll.
Gruß Gina

Zimbabwe war vets 'expel' Mugabe as their leader
Akeem Rotimi Wednesday, November 08, 2017 Africa, Foreign News, Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe's War Veterans Association says it has expelled President Robert Mugabe as its leader and has formed a revolutionary council to take over the ruling ZANU-PF party.

"We have completely disowned Mugabe," says the statement issued Wednesday in Johannesburg by war veterans leader Chris Mutsvangwa.

The association of former fighters for independence is loyal to fired vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa, who says he has left Zimbabwe after threats. Mugabe accuses his former deputy of plotting to take power, which Mnangagwa denies.

The war veterans' statement uses language similar to that used by Mugabe's guerrillas during their fight against white minority-ruled Rhodesia in the 1970s.

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09 Nov 2017 11:09 #496160
  • Ticktack
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  • Ticktack am 09 Nov 2017 11:09
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Bin mal gespannt wie es weitergeht.... B)
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09 Nov 2017 11:32 #496164
  • travelNAMIBIA
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  • travelNAMIBIA am 09 Nov 2017 11:32
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Bin mal gespannt wie es weitergeht.... B)
Am 1. Dezember will Mugabe seine Frau zur Viepräsidenten Simbabwes ernennen (wohl insgesamt soll es 6 Vizepräsidenten geben), dann ZANU-PF-Kongress im Dezember, dort die Wahl von Grace Mugabe als Parteivorsitzende und dann 2019 Grace als Staatspräsidentin... Ach ja, und dann die nächste 40-50 Jahre (wenn sie ähnliche Gene wie ihr Mann hat) eine noch etwas restriktivere "Politik". Denn Grace ist ja der Hardliner in der Familie.

Oder aber Donald Trump rettet die Welt und marschiert in Zim ein ;-)

Viele Grüße aus Windhoek
Vom 22. Dezember 2024 bis 31. Januar 2025 kaum im Forum aktiv!
Letzte Änderung: 09 Nov 2017 11:33 von travelNAMIBIA.
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09 Nov 2017 11:49 #496169
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  • GinaChris am 09 Nov 2017 09:49
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Wie bedenklich die ganze Situation ist, und wie gefährlich sie noch werden kann,
zeigt eine Pressemitteilung des am 6.Nov 2017 von Mugabe abgesetzten Vizepräsident Mnangagwa.
Er sei außer Landes, an einem sicheren Ort, da sein, und das Leben seiner Familie in ZIM bedroht wäre.

Einige Passagen daraus:

I stand prepared, once again, to pay the ultimate price in defence of Zimbabwe.

I will go nowhere. I will fight tooth and nail against those making a mockery against Zanu PF founding principles, ethos and values.

Fellow Zimbabweans and specifically members of Zanu-PF. the time is now to say NO to Demi Gods and people that are self-centered and Only think ot themselves and their families. Let us bury our differences and rebuild a new and prosperous Zimbabwe. a Country that is tolerant to divergent views, a country that respects opinions of others, a country that does not isolate itselt trom the rest of the world because of one stubborn individual who believes he is entitled to rule this country until death.

I will be communicating with you soon and shall return to Zimbabwe to lead you.

I would like my fellow citizens to know that am now out of the country. and safe. My sudden departure was caused by incessant ihreats on my persom life and family by those who have attempted before through various forms Of elimination including poisoning.

Anm.: gesamte Pressemitteilung im Anhang
Gruß Gina
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09 Nov 2017 12:08 #496173
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  • Ticktack am 09 Nov 2017 11:09
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Im Handelsblatt steht auch geschrieben, das Robert M. diesmal möglicherweise den Bogen überspannt hätte. Aber schaun wir mal....
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