THEMA: XDR-TB (Extreme Drug Resistant Tuberkulose)
02 Sep 2007 10:57 #47257
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 02 Sep 2007 10:57
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Moin zusammen,

hier die Zusammenfassung und Bewertung von Nolida Stuijt aus

September 1 2007 -- PORT ELIZABETH, South Africa. Hospitals in South Africa's Eastern Cape province are grappling with increasing numbers of tuberculosis cases, with about 250 new patients each being admitted to Livingstone- and Dora Nginza hospitals each month.
The province also has the country's lowest TB-cure rates with more than 200 new multi-drug resistant Tuberculosis patients being admitted from throughout the province to the Jose Pearson specialist-TB Hospital in Bethelsdorp each month, according to the Port Elizabeth Hospital Complex' chief executive officer Lulamile JamJam.
Adding it all up, this amounts to a monthly 700 new TB cases being identified in one province of SA alone, of which 200 already are multiple-drug-resistant, and highly likely, also co-infected with the AIDS-virus.
And those are the 'official' government statistics. The Herald Online, published in Port Elizabeth, reported that local TB control specialists issued public appeals to local businesses to 'prioritise TB in the workplace' during an unappetising-sounding event referred to as a 'TB-breakfast meeting' here this week.
TB-HIV co-infection rates are high in SA, with as many as 60 percent of all adult TB patients also being HIV-positive.
This means that Multidrug-resistant TB is increasingly getting a free reign because the normal TB-drugs are getting less and less effective.
This developing drug-resistant Tuberculosis+Aids infection rate can be seen by the fact that the Medical Research Council of South Africa already found five years ago that 1.6 percent of all the new TB cases and 6.7 percent of all the re-treatment cases had multiple-drug-resistant Tuberculosis.
The country now has many patients dying of extremely-drug-resistant Tuberculosis, but the exact number of XDR-TB deaths is not known: the latest available \"official\" health department statistics were published in February this year, and then stood at more than 600 XDR-TB deaths countrywide.

Now, with 700 new TB cases being identified in one province of SA alone, these statistics have undoubtedly been raised dramatically since that time.

Low TB-cure indicates rising drug-resistance:

One way in which XDR-TB deaths can be measured is by the average TB-cure rates -- which in the Eastern Cape province ranks second countrywide.
It's particularly ominous that the Eastern Cape has the highest number of new TB patients being referred to hospitals but also has the second-lowest TB-cure rate recorded countrywide.

\"TB is a critical public health problem, but it is also a social issue. We will not get this epidemic under control without strengthening our health systems,\" claimed Dr Lindiwe Mvusi, head of the national TB control programme.

340,000 new TB cases in 2004:

In 2006, the World Health Organization ranked South Africa fifth among the world’s 22 high-burden TB countries, but these rankings were based on South Africa's 2004 statistics, which its Global TB Report 2006 noting that South Africa had 340,000 new TB cases in 2004, with an incidence rate of 718 cases per 100,000 people – more than doubling the 338/p.100,000 in 1998.

TB-HIV co-infection rates are high in South Africa, with as many as 60 percent of adult TB patients being HIV-positive.

Multidrug-resistant TB is also soaring as a result: the Medical Research Council of South Africa already found a full five years ago, in 2002 that 1.6 percent of all the new TB cases and 6.7 percent of all the re-treatment cases already had multiple-drug-resistant Tuberculosis.


USAID: TB gets $1.6-m annually, AIDS $5-m annually in its South Africa budget:
Between 2000 and 2005, USAID funding for TB treatment in South Africa averaged $1.6 million per year.
In their budget justifications, they claim that 'deep economic and social fissures from the apartheid era persist...\"
The University Research Corporation is also funded by the US government to help provide advice to the SA Health Department on how to 'sensitise' local communities on the issues of TB+AIDS prevention. This is the organisation which organises such 'TB-breakfast meetings\" in local communities:


Sapa report on Eastern Cape new TB-infections Sept 1 2007:

Interessant finde ich hier auch die Diskrepanz zwischen der angenommenen amerikanischen Hilfe vor Ort und der zunehmenden Verbrüderung Südafrikas mit den erklärten Feinden des USA.
WICHTIG! Ich will hier keine USA-Diskussion auslösen!

Hier noch die dem IOL-Link zugrunde liegenden Bericht des Herald aus Port Elizabeth:

Wie lange es wohl noch braucht, bis die Situation bezüglich TB in Südafrika endgültig außer Kontrolle gerät?

Gruß, Michael
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19 Sep 2007 11:29 #48770
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 02 Sep 2007 10:57
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Moin zusammen,

hier ein Bericht aus Malawi:

Wenn man die dort genannten Erkrankungszahlen einmal für Südafrika hochrechnet und dies mit der Leugnung von Problemen im Gesundheitswesen schon im Allgemeinen malnimmt, dann dürfte es schon in naher Zukunft ziemlich lustig werden.

Gruß, Michael
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27 Sep 2007 12:49 #49418
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 02 Sep 2007 10:57
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Moin zusammen,

hier ein Bericht zur Situation in Zimbabwe:

Isolierte XDR-Patienten sind in Südafrika aus dem Krankenhaus geflohen:
Einer wurde zu Hause fotografiert:
One patient was photographed at home wearing no protective barrier, with his two-year-old child on his lap which sparked Uys's anger.

Die WHO zu Tuberkulose und Flugreisen:

Gruß, Michael
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17 Okt 2007 14:03 #50859
  • konno
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  • konno am 17 Okt 2007 14:03
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Hallo aus Suedafrika,

Ich hoffe Ihr koennt dieses PDF oeffnen, obwohl ihr nicht vom Uni Server zugreift, es ist eine Meldung der Universitaet von KwaZulu-Natal
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17 Okt 2007 14:46 #50864
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 02 Sep 2007 10:57
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Moin zusammen,

dann wollen wir einmal hoffen, dass diese Referenz-Dekodierung und -Sequenzierung in Folgeprojekten tatsächlich zur erfolgreichen Herstellung von Schnelltests fortentwickelt werden kann und dass sie die Entwicklung von \"therapeutical agents\" (was ist das?) unterstützen kann.

Ich kann mir nicht helfen, aber bei der begeisterten Wortwahl der zitierten Offiziellen muss ich sofort an andere erfolgreiche afrikanische Unternehmungen, wie z.B. die AU oder die jetzt \"eingeleitete\" Schaffung einer gemeinsamen afrikanischen Währung denken. Aber -nicht gleich explodieren, Konno!- da hege ich zugegebenermaßen erhebliche Vorurteile. Gerade bei diesem Thema würde ich mich allerdings zutiefst freuen, wenn meine Skepsis nicht bestätigt würde.

Gruß, Michael
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17 Okt 2007 15:32 #50870
  • konno
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  • konno am 17 Okt 2007 14:03
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ich kann mir nicht helfen, aber bei der begeisterten Wortwahl der zitierten Offiziellen muss ich sofort an andere erfolgreiche afrikanische Unternehmungen, wie z.B. die AU oder die jetzt \"eingeleitete\" Schaffung einer gemeinsamen afrikanischen Währung [quote/]

ich auch :)
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