THEMA: Corona - SA
17 Mär 2022 06:47 #639705
  • GinaChris
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  • GinaChris am 17 Mär 2022 06:47
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Gesetzesentwurf zu Maßnahmen im Bereich der öffentlichen Gesundheit an Grenzübergängen
Begutachtungszeit 30 Tage ab Veröffentlichung

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23 Mär 2022 09:11 #640161
  • GinaChris
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  • GinaChris am 17 Mär 2022 06:47
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Dateiname: SA22032022-2.pdf
Dateigröße:714 KB

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29 Mär 2022 12:34 #640491
  • GinaChris
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  • GinaChris am 17 Mär 2022 06:47
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Eswatini Government
2 Std. ·
Prime Minister Cleopas Sipho Dlamini has announced new eased COVID-19 restrictions under Adjusted Risk Level 1 effective immediately. Some of the adjusted measures include the lifting of the PCR test requirement when travelling into Eswatini as well as the lifting of restrictions on the hosting of outdoor sport and entertainment activities.
Prime Minister on Travel: “Entry into Eswatini now requires either proof of full vaccination for COVID-19 or a negative PCR Test of not more than 72 hours. This does not apply to children under the age of 12. It should be noted, however, that negative PCR test may still be required when travelling to or through other countries.”
PM on Sports: “All restrictions are lifted for outdoor sporting activities. Spectators in indoor sports will be required to wear a face mask.”
PM on Entertainment: “Restrictions for entertainment events are lifted, however attendants should adhere to relevant indoor and outdoor restrictions.”
PM on Face Masks: “The wearing of face masks in open space is no longer mandatory in groups of not more than five people. Large outdoor gatherings shall continue observing social distancing of at least one metre apart and shall continue to wear face masks. People with flu-like symptoms should not participate in gatherings whether indoor or outdoor.”
PM on Indoor Gatherings: “COVID-19 preventive measures comprising of sanitising and one metre social distancing are mandatory for all indoor gatherings. Participants attending indoor events are required to wear their face masks. Inside shopping supermarkets and other shops, face masks will be required.”
PM on Worship: “Churches may operate at full capacity provided indoor COVID-19 measures such as wearing of face masks and social distancing of one metre are adhered to.”
PM on Funeral & Memorial Services: “In funeral and memorial services, the wearing of face masks and adherence to COVID-19 restrictions is required.”
PM on Night Vigils & Kufukama: “Kufukama and night vigils are now permitted but must be conducted in strict adherence to COVID-19 restrictions.”
PM on Alcohol Sale: “Sale and consumption of alcohol on premises within approved trading hours is allowed. Indoor COVID-19 restrictions must be observed at all times.”
PM on Vaccination: “May I emphasise the importance of vaccinating against COVID-19. These vaccines have been proven to prevent severe disease and death for the prevailing variants.”
PM on COVID-19 Threat: “The threat of a fifth wave is real and therefore the Nation is advised to remain alert and flexible when additional restrictions are required to protect the vulnerable population.”
PM's Statement in full:

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30 Mär 2022 07:39 #640550
  • GinaChris
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  • GinaChris am 17 Mär 2022 06:47
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Cooperative Governance Minister Nkosazan Dlamini-Zuma on Tuesday said President Cyril Ramaphosa may announce the end of the state of disaster next week.
The minister said the country's ports of entry had been prioritised: “The 32 ports that are closed will remain closed because they were not necessarily economical but the 21 that are fully operational and when you enter, you must either show a negative PCR test no older than 72 hours or a vaccine certificate.”

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30 Mär 2022 11:13 #640568
  • fidel
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  • fidel am 30 Mär 2022 11:13
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GinaChris schrieb:
The minister said the country's ports of entry had been prioritised: “The 32 ports that are closed will remain closed because they were not necessarily economical ”

Das liest sich nicht so, als wäre eine Öffnung weiterer Grenzposten in naher Zukunft zu erwarten und ist nur mäßig nachvollziehbar, vor allem weil Corona ja dann offensichtlich kein Grund mehr für die Schließung ist..
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05 Apr 2022 05:58 #641074
  • GinaChris
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  • GinaChris am 17 Mär 2022 06:47
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Ramaphosas gestrige Rede

SA exits National State of Disaster
Monday, April 4, 2022

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