THEMA: Feuer zerstört Camps im Delta
20 Jun 2019 06:56 #559496
  • GinaChris
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  • GinaChris am 20 Jun 2019 06:56
  • GinaChriss Avatar
betroffen war die Gebiete NG26 und NG29

18 Std. ·

Some safari camps in the Okavango Delta are reported to have been burnt during a recent fire outbreak in the Delta.

The most affected one was Xaudumo camp and Beyond Safari situated right in the delta, which burnt to ashes except for staff houses and damages were estimated at millions of Pula.

The North West council chairman, Mr Duncan Enga revealed during a council session that others, which were affected included Wilderness and Stanley’s Safari camps.

He said the concessions involved were NG26 and NG29 but specifically at Xaudumo, Xarana, Chiefs Camp and Mombo camps, adding that the total area burnt was not measured because the fire detection system was not working.

Mr Enga also revealed that the fire damaged both vegetation and property.

Meanwhile, during a recent National Fire Management Conference in Maun, some participants urged tourism operators in the delta to play an active role in protecting and maintaining the beauty and status of the country’s pristine resource and World Heritage Site, Okavango Delta.

They said it was high time tourism operators in the delta joined forces with the traditional leaders, community, government and other stakeholders in the protection of the delta, as far as fire management and related issues were concerned.

They said tourism operators were making millions but they were not contributing towards the protection of the delta during fire outbreaks. Mr Enga believed that the deliberations and subsequent resolutions from the conference would enhance their plans going forward.

With regard to environmental health, the chairman decried that the district was not doing well in terms of environmental cleanliness and upkeep.

He said environmental protection could only be realised through stakeholder involvement and commitment on issues of environmental management.
Council, he said had started mobilisation and establishment of village/ward upkeep committees in various villages in recognition of the fact that the local community was a resource that needed to be nurtured to address upkeep problems they are confronted with.

He urged all stakeholders to discourage littering and illegal dumping of waste in their villages as that pollutes the environment and impacts negatively on the flora and fauna.

Responsibility, he said begins with an individual and urged them to be at the forefront of safe keeping and disposal of the waste they generate.

He said as a tourism attraction destination, it was imperative that all in the district play a role in maintaining a clean and safe environment.

He said the committees would be empowered to work with village leadership to address litter issues in their respective villages, initiate cleanup campaigns and work with all relevant organisations for the achievement of intended goals. BOPA

Quelle: fb BWgovernment
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