Vielleicht erinnert sich ja jemand ...
Herr Pitseng Gaoberekwe darf endlich heimkehren
BW Presidency
1 Std. ·
Gaoberekwe Family Prepares to Lay their Father to Rest
The family of the late Pitseng Gaoberekwe has expressed immense joy and relief following the announcement that they will be allowed to lay their father to rest in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR). In a statement to the Botswana Presidency today, family spokesperson Smith Moeti shared their gratitude, stating that the decision made by President Duma Gideon Boko to allow them to bury their father in the CKGR signifies a significant shift in the government’s approach, demonstrating that Botswana now has a leadership that genuinely cares for its citizens.
During his inaugural State of the Nation address on November 19, 2024, President Boko announced that the Gaoberekwe family would be permitted to bury their father in the village of Metsiamanong, according to their wishes. This decision has been met with great relief by the family, who had long sought to honor their father in a location of deep cultural and personal significance.
The family are laying their father to rest tomorrow morning, following the funeral President Duma Gideon Boko will deliver a keynote address at the International Human Rights day commemoration which will be held in Metsiamanong.
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Gruß Gina