Update vom 19/10/2017
Aware Trust Zimbabwe hat 9 neue Fotos hinzugefügt.
19. Oktober um 10:12 · Harare, Harare Province, Simbabwe ·
Anyone doubting that the proposed donkey abattoir in Bulawayo would bring about significant animal welfare issues needs to look at these shocking new pictures taken from a VAWZ / Bulawayo SPCA Inspection of the donkeys being held for slaughter at a plot in the Umgusa District in Bulawayo. The VAWZ report states that a Chinese owned meat company has been buying up donkeys in the rural areas, transporting them in a 7 tonne lorry and depositing them at this plot until such a time as Battlefront Investment's abattoir opens. According to the report, there are currently 175 donkeys held in a very small area with insufficient and unsuitable supplementary feeding. The inspectors found one donkey dead, 6 donkeys with severe leg trauma, many in very poor condition or needing veterinary attention, male donkeys fighting, as well as pregnant females. Although water was available the inspectors found no suitable grazing. According to the report, 8 donkeys were dead on arrival at the last shipment, and 21 donkeys have died since buying of donkeys commenced 3 months ago. The report states there has been no veterinary attention given to these animals, and the owner of the abattoir last visited the property a month ago.
Meanwhile we have had assurances from the Division of Veterinary Services that NO donkey is ever going to be slaughtered at ANY abattoir in Zimbabwe. All abattoirs require licences from the Veterinary Authorities. Further, all movement permits for donkeys to the abattoir have been immediately suspended.
This means there will very likely be 175 wretched donkeys looking for homes in the very near future.
Thank you VAWZ and Bulawayo SPCA for doing this inspection.
#donkeyabattoir #poweredbyZOL #SPANA #AWARETrustZimbabwe #VAWZ #ZNSPCA #LupaneYouthforDevelopment
Gruß Gina