THEMA: Hwange N.P.
29 Jun 2022 16:17 #646164
  • Jambotessy
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  • Jambotessy am 29 Jun 2022 16:17
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Hallo zusammen.

Neue Infos von Godfrey:

The pan is 3/4 full and pumped by 2 solar powered boreholes .
Game activity is still low as there is still water in many pans around .Elephant herds are coming mostly in the late evenings and at night .
There is a big herd of buffalo around and it ussualy comes in the evenings coming from the north eastern side of the water hole and they ussualy go back the sameway they would have came from .The pride of lions also roars all night and it looks like there is a new male lion which is still marking its territory and it ussualy comes past the camp on the road from Tshompani dam and it walks upto the waterhole through to Camp Hwange concession area in the early mornings and it comes nearly everyday.

There are lots of Warthog families coming to feed near the picnic site and sometimes they are more than 30 at one given time .
Impala,Kudu and Zebra are also coming but in small herds .
There is also a leopard which walks around the camp at night.
Roan and Sable are coming less at the moment .

Birdlife is very good with many birds coming to eat the fruits of the Jackal berry and fig trees in camp .and the Owls are still staying in camp and sometimes there are 3 species at onetime with the likes of the Pearl spotted ,Scops and the Verreaux Eagle owl .

It is very cold in the evenings and mornings warming up during the day and its also very windy most of the times .

Roads are still in better condition and the loop roads around shumba are all accesible and in good state especialy the ones which turns off on the road to Tshompani dam and going to join the tarred road .

There are few tourists at the moment with few people camping and 3/4 of them go to private camps .

There is a new staff house which was recently built with its own facilities.

Nur im Vorwärtsgehen gelangt man ans Ende der Reise.
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1x Togo + Benin (mit TUI), 1x Ruanda + Zaire ( mit Explorer Reisen), 3x Kenia (in Eigenregie mit dem Bodenzelt), 19 x südl. Afrika (in Eigenregie Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Sambia, Südafrika/ 17x mit dem Dachzelt und 2x ohne Dachzelt)
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Giselbert, Logi
26 Jul 2022 14:41 #647908
  • Jambotessy
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  • Jambotessy am 29 Jun 2022 16:17
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Hallo zusammen,

neues Update von Godfrey:

The dam is full and pumped by 2 solar powered boreholes during the day and 1 battrey operated at night.
Game activity is good with Elephant bulls coming from mid morning and family herds coming from mid afternoon and drinking all night .
Buffalo have been coming less in the past weeks and sometimes its just the old dagga boys .

The Lion pride is still around and still favours its spot near the bridge on the way to Shumba and sometimes spend the day sleeping under the Anna tree on the way to Kapula .
The Leopard is also around and this other day it was seen near the bridge with lions also sleeping about 200m from it .It also sometimes gets inside the camp trying to catch the guineafowls which come roost near the shower at night.The cheetah has been seen more on the Kapula concession and near Robins turn off.

Oneday l woke to find hippos with a big kudu carcass which l suspect might have been chased by lions only to be killed by either crocs or hippos.
They spent 2days trying to open it without any success and the crocs show no interest in it even of hippos were not close by and on these days it was overcast day and night ,on the third day the sun came out in the afternoon and the crocs started feeding on the carcass only to be chased away by the hippos when they saw that the crocs had opened it and took over the carcass again ,adults fed on it for a short time ,the young ones spent a lot off time playing with the carcass and most of the time they made a circle around it keeping the crocs away .
Girrafe,kudu ,warthog and lmpala are also coming in large herds .and now try to drink before many Ellies come.

The dam is full and game activity is good with the big herd of buffalo seen there quite often ,the pride of lions is is also seen seen more often and sometimes spends the whole day on the dam wall.
The picnic site is being renovated ,with showers built on sides of both toilets and braai stands being rebuilt.
They removed all the thatch and put iron sheets in all the structures and the camps water now comes from a borehole .

The park was very quite for the first week of july but now there are quite a few cars around and last weekend all picnic sites were booked .

Rains ,
For the past 2weeks its been overcast nearly everyday and we had some little rains showers for 2 days in a row and had to spend the whole days wearing jerseys now it is opening up a bit although its still cloudy most of the times ,it is now cold during the mornings and evenings warming up during the day .

Roads are still better and they have started repairing the mostly badly damaged places.

Nur im Vorwärtsgehen gelangt man ans Ende der Reise.
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1x Togo + Benin (mit TUI), 1x Ruanda + Zaire ( mit Explorer Reisen), 3x Kenia (in Eigenregie mit dem Bodenzelt), 19 x südl. Afrika (in Eigenregie Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Sambia, Südafrika/ 17x mit dem Dachzelt und 2x ohne Dachzelt)
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: lilytrotter, Giselbert, Logi, GinaChris
23 Aug 2022 20:16 #649941
  • Jambotessy
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  • Jambotessy am 29 Jun 2022 16:17
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Hallo zusammen,

es gibt wieder Neues von Godfrey und vom Hwange:

The dam is full and game activity is very good with the big herd of buffalo coming nearly everyday and sometimes spending the whole day near the dam sleeping under the big shady trees .Elephant herds mostly come from mid day and drink all night.

There is a lion pride which also hangs around Mandavu and there are 2 females which always get too close to the picnic site in the evenings and sometimes roaring all night around the camp ,this other day the lions killed a subadult hippo near the water on the Western side of the dam and there were there for more than 3days and the buffalo still came even when the lions were close by .

The pack of dogs has been coming quite often and have been seen moslty by the dam wall and on the road to Sinamatella.but had not been staying long time as there were always on the move

Impala,kudu,warthog ,zebra and girrafe are also coming and now mostly drink from the Eastern side of the dam .

The camp is looking great with the tiling of ablutions now finished and there are plans of planting lawns .

Roads are still accesible and maintainance is only being done in very damaged places only .

Tourists ,
Mandavu had only 1 booking in 2 weeks but Masuma and Shumba were better and many private camps had people nearly everyday and the volumes of tourists coming seem to be improving .

These days it is cold in the evenings and mornings but getting very hot during the day and sometimes its also very windy especially during the night and early mornings .

Best Regards


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Nur im Vorwärtsgehen gelangt man ans Ende der Reise.
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1x Togo + Benin (mit TUI), 1x Ruanda + Zaire ( mit Explorer Reisen), 3x Kenia (in Eigenregie mit dem Bodenzelt), 19 x südl. Afrika (in Eigenregie Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Sambia, Südafrika/ 17x mit dem Dachzelt und 2x ohne Dachzelt)
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Reisemaus, lilytrotter, Giselbert, ALM, Logi, nami007, GinaChris
24 Aug 2022 10:23 #649956
  • nami007
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  • nami007 am 24 Aug 2022 10:23
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Danke für die Infos.

Da ich anfang Sep 2022 noch circa 10 tage ohne feste Buchung in Botswana bin wäre der Hwange N.P. eine Alternative.

Könnt Ihr bitte ein paar Infos über die Campsites bzw. die Anreise aus Nata / Kasane schreiben. Links gehen natürlich auch.


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24 Aug 2022 10:36 #649958
  • lilytrotter
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  • lilytrotter am 24 Aug 2022 10:36
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Einfach hinfahren, im Main Camp ist immer Platz!
Und genug US$ (auch kleine Scheine) mitnehmen. Mitunter braucht man die.
Meist geht es mit Karte.
Gruß lilytrotter

Always look on the bright side of life... :-)
Walvisbay boomt
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Logi, nami007
24 Aug 2022 10:55 #649961
  • Jambotessy
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  • Jambotessy am 29 Jun 2022 16:17
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Hallo felix,

ich kenne nur das Main Camp und Sinamatella. Für beide habe ich nie vorgebucht. Sinamatella liegt sehr schön auf einem Hügel und man hat einen tollen Blick in die Ebene. Das Main Camp ist größer und hat den Charme eines Militärcamps. Allerdings hat man von da aus viele Möglichkeiten zu gut besuchten Wasserstelle und 2 sehr schönen Hides . Wir haben zu versch. Jahreszeiten Hwange besucht und hatten hier die besten Tiersichtungen. Die Angestellten beider Camps waren sehr nett und immer hilfsbereit. An deiner Stelle würde ich den Grenzübergang Pandamatenga nutzen. Da geht es ganz entspannt zu und du kannst von Kasane oder Nata in 1 Tag locker bis zum Main Camp fahren.

Nur im Vorwärtsgehen gelangt man ans Ende der Reise.
(Sprichwort der Ovambo)

1x Togo + Benin (mit TUI), 1x Ruanda + Zaire ( mit Explorer Reisen), 3x Kenia (in Eigenregie mit dem Bodenzelt), 19 x südl. Afrika (in Eigenregie Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Sambia, Südafrika/ 17x mit dem Dachzelt und 2x ohne Dachzelt)
Letzte Änderung: 24 Aug 2022 10:56 von Jambotessy.
Der Administrator hat öffentliche Schreibrechte deaktiviert.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Logi, nami007